
Pictured are a few of our community to show, there is always another chance.

What do you do when you fall?  Some things cannot be fixed and this can be difficult to accept.  In recovery we practice acceptance of our past.  With willingness and hard work, we get a chance to stand on our own two feet and become better people after we fall.

We are simply a group of human beings, brothers & sisters who continually make mistakes. Although we often try to improve, we do fall short of our ideals. Does this mean we should give up? Does this mean we should quit the fight? Absolutely not. We are a people of redemption with second, third, fourth and even a hundred chances. Thank God we have a place like FTR which supports every person, even in times of darkness and times of trouble.

Recovery, like Life and like fitness is about not giving up. It’s about sweating, bleeding, begging and praying for another chance at Life. I remember in my early recovery, all I ever wanted was a chance.  Thank you FTR for the inspirational friends, family and community that is a constant reminder of redemption through second chances.

“Success isn’t given. It’s earned. On the track, in the field, and in the gym with blood, sweat and the occasional tear.”


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