
I received the following message from one of the amazing members of our FTR community:

"Thank you again for class. I set my intention at the beginning for detachment and self love. My boyfriend showed up today after disappearing for a week and a half and immediately started putting me down because I'm in a good place mentally...because of your classes. I made the decision to end it for good because I realized that he doesn't have my best intentions at his heart. I feel like a giant weight has been lifted off of me. Thank you again, frank."

Upon reading the message I was flooded with many thoughts and emotions.The words in the message seemed especially powerful because it proved to me that when we connect in our fitness classes it carries over to all aspects of our lives. As a trainer (and person in recovery) it gives me a sense of purpose and gratitude knowing that I can empower people to make healthy changes in their lives.

As a group we come together and set intentions before every workout, by doing this she was inspired to do something different in her life. By sharing her experience with me it inspired me to take a look at parts of my life that are no longer serving my greater good. That's what makes community so powerful! When we put ourselves in a position to help another often they end up helping us.

Much love,


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